Wind power and solar energy projects

Land acquis­ition for wind and solar farms

LandPro is an expert company spe­cialised in land acquis­ition for wind and solar energy pro­jects. We have suc­cess­fully assisted our clients for over 10 years in the devel­opment of energy projects.

We serve our clients in e.g. real estate and own­ership studies, com­mu­nic­ation with landowners, lease agreement and com­pens­ation issues as well as private road surveys.

Elec­tricity trans­mission and storage

We serve our clients in lease agreement and permit issues related to elec­tricity trans­mission and storage. We also provide assistance in the applic­ation of the expro­pri­ation permit and in the expro­pri­ation pro­ceedings of power lines.


Wind power pro­jects: Hyötytuuli Oy

LandPro has assisted Hyötytuuli Oy in lease agreement issues of wind farms since 2020. Cooper­ation started with the con­sulta­tions related to land lease agree­ments and the scope of work has gradually extended.

Our tasks include, among others, com­pil­ation of real estate data, con­sulta­tions with landowners, devel­opment of land lease agree­ments as well as con­sulta­tions and con­tract pre­par­a­tions related to private roads and support and assistance in private road surveys.

More inform­ation on marine wind power pro­jects can be found in Off­shore pro­jects.

Solar power pro­jects: Neoen

The solar energy pro­jects of Neoen started in 2020. LandPro entered the pro­jects in the early phase when the potential areas were first explored. The size of the required project area varies approx­im­ately from about 10 hec­tares up to 100 hectares.

Our tasks include, among others, the com­pil­ation of real estate data, con­sulta­tions with landowners, com­pens­ation agree­ments for trees and regis­tration issues.


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