Water resource man­agement projects

Con­tracts for water resource man­agement projects

LandPro provides con­sulting ser­vices for land acquis­ition tasks in water resource man­agement pro­jects. Our assign­ments can vary from real estate and own­ership studies to invent­ories and from com­pens­ation assess­ments to acquiring siting permits/​easement agree­ments. We also assist our clients in easement surveys.


Con­cession con­tracts for the Veikkola-Kolmperä water supply line, Kirkkonummi

LandPro was responsible for acquiring con­cession con­tracts for the Veikkola-Kolmperä water supply line in autumn 2014. The client of the project was the water supply department of the muni­cip­ality of Kirkkonummi.

Our tasks included the con­clusion of con­cession con­tracts, nego­ti­ations and other com­mu­nic­ation with land owners as well as inspection arrange­ments, inventory and eval­u­ation of the property removed from the water supply line as well as pre­par­ation of com­pens­ation con­tracts and con­tract management.

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