Transport infra­structure projects

Expert ser­vices for land acquis­ition tasks in road and rail projects

LandPro is an expert company spe­cialized in the land acquis­ition of transport infra­structure pro­jects. We provide expert ser­vices for all land acquis­ition tasks in road and rail pro­jects. We secure that the rights and areas needed for the project will be taken into pos­session according to the con­struction schedule, and spe­cific issues regarding the com­pens­ation pro­cedure will be considered.

Our ser­vices extend from pre­par­a­tions for expro­pri­ations to court hearings

We assist our clients in legal road and rail surveys. We prepare acts of expro­pri­ations and rejoinders to claims for com­pens­ation. In transport infra­structure pro­jects we assess the com­pens­ation to landowners for the con­veyance of property as well as evaluate potential dis­ad­vantages and damages due to the project. Fur­thermore, we assist the developers of transport infra­structure pro­jects in Land Court hearings.


Rail project: Helsinki-Riihimäki

The Hel­sinki-Rii­himäki rail project includes the improvement of the level of service of the busiest rail section in Finland. The goal is to sep­arate freight traffic from pas­senger traffic and modi­fic­ation of switches to provide for higher train speeds through main sta­tions. (Finnish Transport Infra­structure Agency).

The first project phase started in 2015 and the second project phase is planned to be com­pleted in 2028.

LandPro is responsible for the land acquis­ition tasks of the rail project in order to support and rep­resent the Finnish Transport Infra­structure Agency and the Uusimaa ELY Centre. Among others, the tasks include pre­par­a­tions for expro­pri­ations, supporting/​representing the cus­tomer in cadastral rail surveys and Land Court hearings and con­sulta­tions with the landowners.

The rail project is partly located in a dense urban envir­onment and partly in the coun­tryside. Project related changes to the living envir­onment are emphasized in urban areas, whereas ques­tions related to, for example, private roads and drainage of fields must be con­sidered in the countryside.

In a long-term project it is appro­priate to deal with com­pens­a­tions in several phases (so-called two-phase legal rail survey). In this way, landowners will receive a com­pens­ation for the areas acquired for the project as soon as pos­sible after the expro­pri­ation. Ques­tions related to the com­pens­ation for private roads are agreed to be solved along with the com­pletion of con­struction. Potential com­pens­a­tions for the dis­ad­vantages and damages caused by the rail project will not, however, be settled until the con­struction is completed.

Road project: Ring Road I in Keil­aniemi and Laa­ja­lahti (Espoo)

LandPro has assisted the Uusimaa ELY Centre in the land acquis­ition tasks of the Ring Road I upgrading project since spring 2019.

Among others, our tasks have included pre­par­a­tions for expro­pri­ations, coordin­ation of noise meas­ure­ments, con­sulta­tions with landowners and assistance in cadastral road surveys. The next project step includes the second phase of cadastral road survey, which involves the dis­ad­vantages and damages caused by the project.

The project is imple­mented by the City of Espoo and the Finnish Transport Infra­structure Agency. Cooper­ation between dif­ferent parties has been inter­esting and rewarding.

Image: FTIA


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