Privacy statement

This is the privacy policy and privacy statement in accordance with the EU General Data Pro­tection Reg­u­lation (GDPR).

Name of register

Cus­tomer inform­ation register of LandPro Oy


LandPro Oy, Business ID: 2099899-8

Person in charge of register

Katja Palmu

Intended purpose of register

The intended purpose of the register is to serve as the cus­tomer inform­ation register of LandPro Oy.

Inform­ation can be used for the fol­lowing purposes:

  • Man­agement of cus­tomer relations

Regular sources of information

The main source of inform­ation is the cus­tomer. Inform­ation can also be obtained from authority registers, company registers and mutual partners.

Inform­ation content of register

The register mainly includes inform­ation provided to LandPro Oy by cus­tomers themselves.

The register can include e.g. the fol­lowing cus­tomer information:

  • Name of person
  • E-mail address
  • Tele­phone number
  • Other inform­ation provided by the user.

Regular transfer of information

On consent by the cus­tomer, inform­ation can be trans­ferred to the mutual partners of the cus­tomer and LandPro Oy in order to deliver the products and ser­vices ordered by the customer.

Inform­ation related to invoicing can be trans­mitted to parties in charge of trans­ferring payments.

Inform­ation is not trans­ferred to third parties within or outside of the EU.

Inform­ation can be trans­ferred to the author­ities, if they provide a request based on the Finnish law.

Prin­ciples of register and data protection

Manual inform­ation

Manual inform­ation is not main­tained with the exception of accounting. Access to accounting is only granted to certain employees and the accountant of LandPro Oy, who have the oblig­ation to maintain secrecy.

Inform­ation in the data admin­is­tration system

Data is trans­ferred using the SSL-pro­tected connection.

Elec­tronic data is pro­tected by firewall. Only sep­ar­ately des­ig­nated employees of LandPro Oy have access to the register inform­ation. Employees are iden­tified by a user code and password. Inform­ation is con­fid­ential and must not be dis­closed to anyone but persons using it in their work, who have the oblig­ation to maintain secrecy.

Right to inspection and right to object

Registered person has a right to inspect, what type of per­sonal inform­ation is stored in the per­sonal data register. Written inspection request must be sub­mitted to the person in charge of the register.

Right to inspection is free of charge, if not con­ducted more than once a year.

Storage period of information

We only store per­sonal inform­ation for a necessary period depending on the type and purpose of information.


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