Off­shore projects

Permit pro­cedures

LandPro provides expert ser­vices for off­shore pro­jects, such as the imple­ment­ation of pipelines and tele­com­mu­nic­ation cables in ter­rit­orial waters and in the Finnish Exclusive Eco­nomic Zone. We have par­ti­cipated in several sig­ni­ficant domestic and inter­na­tional pro­jects and have been responsible for suc­cessful permit pro­cedures and related necessary cooper­ation with the authorities.

The permit pro­cedures of off­shore pro­jects include an envir­on­mental impact assessment (EIA), pre­par­ation of permit applic­a­tions for survey activ­ities as well as for water resource man­agement pro­jects in ter­rit­orial waters (water permit) and in the Exclusive Eco­nomic Zone (EEZ permit). In addition, our ser­vices include com­mu­nic­ation with the author­ities and authority noti­fic­a­tions during the project.

Off­shore wind power project: Ilmatar Offshore

Ilmatar, founded in Finland in 2011, is a Nordic energy company and an inde­pendent elec­tricity pro­ducer that focuses on renewable energy. In addition to energy pro­duction the business is based on the devel­opment, con­struction and main­tenance of renewable energy. Ilmatar owns and is responsible for its pro­jects throughout their life cycle, which can last up to 40 years. The com­bined pro­duction capacity of the com­pany’s wind and solar power pro­jects in various stages is over 20 GW.

LandPro is par­ti­cip­ating in several off­shore wind power pro­jects by Ilmatar Off­shore, which include wind farm areas of about 500 km² in the Åland Islands (Stormskär and Väderskär) and wind farm areas of about 1000 km² in the Finnish Exclusive Eco­nomic Zone (Vågskär and Bothnia/​Bothnia West). Then total design capacity of these pro­jects is about 8 GW. The pro­jects are part of the renewable energy pro­jects and spe­cifically wind power devel­opment and con­struction pro­jects of Ilmatar Offshore.

LandPro is responsible for project man­agement related to the envir­on­mental impact assessment, pre­par­ation of permit applic­a­tions in above men­tioned project areas in accordance with existing legis­lation and related authority cooper­ation. These tasks started in 2022 and con­tinue for the time being.

Image: Ilmatar

Kuvituskuva. Ilmattaren tuulivoimala.
Illustration. Svarta kablar med vattendroppar på.

Tele­com­mu­nic­ation cable project: Hamina-Helsinki

The Hamina–Helsinki tele­com­mu­nic­ation cable project, which was started in 2023, is part of a Ter­restrial Backbone Finland (TBF) -project, which aims at the devel­opment of a north-south backbone network for tele­com­mu­nic­ation con­nec­tions. This new con­nection pro­motes optical fibre capacity in the markets, provides fast, low latency tele­com­mu­nic­ation con­nec­tions through Finland and integ­rates sig­ni­ficant urban areas.

The total length of the sub­marine data cable is about 152 km. LandPro is responsible for the pre­par­ation of permit applic­a­tions and envir­on­mental studies as well as authority cooper­ation in the project. The applic­ation on the need for applying the EIA pro­cedure in the project was sub­mitted in November 2023 and the water permit applic­ation was sub­mitted in late 2023. The water permit decision is expected during 2024 and project con­struction will tent­at­ively start in 2025.

Tele­com­mu­nic­ation cable project: Eastern Light

The goal of the Eastern Light project is to develop an inter­na­tional long-dis­tance tele­com­mu­nic­ation cable network between the most sig­ni­ficant data centres and tele­com­mu­nic­ation hubs in the Baltic Sea area.

LandPro has been involved in the project since 2022 and has been responsible for the pre­par­ation of permit applic­a­tions and envir­on­mental studies for the fol­lowing sub­pro­jects in Finland: Hanko–border of Åland region, Helsinki–Tallinn and Hamina–Vihula (Estonia). The total length of the data cable in dif­ferent sub­pro­jects in the Finnish ter­rit­orial waters and in the Exclusive Eco­nomic Zone is about 230 km.

The project started with the pre­par­ation of the survey permit applic­a­tions and the EIA screening study in Finland in early 2022. The water permit and EEZ permit applic­a­tions will be sub­mitted during 2023-2024. The water permit and EEZ permit decisions are expected during the years 2023-2024, after which project con­struction can be started.


Illustration. Kabeltrumma.

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