We are com­bining our expertise with Sitowise
in order to provide an even more com­pre­hensive range of ser­vices to our clients around infra­structure and energy projects.

Read more: Sitowise expands its infra­structure and energy ser­vices by acquiring LandPro Oy

More inform­ation from Tore Granskog (+358 40 835 0341).

Expert ser­vices for land acquis­ition tasks and permit procedures

Indi­vidu­alised ser­vices for client needs

LandPro Oy is an expert con­sulting company spe­cialised in land acquis­ition. We provide tailor-made ser­vices in the land acquis­ition tasks of transport, energy and other infra­structure pro­jects in Finland as well as in the permit pro­cedures and envir­on­mental assessment of off­shore projects.

Among others, our clients include state and muni­cipal author­ities, project developers and leading domestic and inter­na­tional com­panies in their respective industries.


LandPro Oy as a company

LandPro Oy, founded in 2007, is a Finnish expert con­sulting company. All our experts in charge have an applicable uni­versity degree and extensive pro­fes­sional exper­ience, through which we can utilise our know­ledge in various pro­jects and assignments.

LandPro has been a member of the Finnish Asso­ci­ation of Con­sulting Firms (SKOL) since 1.7.2010. Among others, impartial con­sulting activ­ities and com­plying with the FIDIC code of ethics are required from the members of SKOL. LandPro is also a member of the Tech­nology Indus­tries of Finland and the Tech­nology Industry Employers of Finland.

The RALA cer­ti­fic­ation was granted to LandPro Oy on 16.12.2014 for land acquis­ition and envir­on­mental planning ser­vices. Our related project oper­a­tions have annually been assessed by an external assessor since autumn 2014. Assess­ments have been focused on project man­agement and prac­tical project activities.

Why LandPro?

Know­ledge and experience

The corner­stones of our oper­a­tions include special know-how and com­pre­hensive con­sulting exper­ience from various land acquis­ition tasks as well as extensive know­ledge of the permit pro­cedures for off­shore projects.

Cus­tomer-ori­ented thinking

We want to support our clients to achieve their goals by providing flexible and tailor-made con­sulting ser­vices for each project.

Extensive domestic and inter­na­tional know-how

We have gained com­pre­hensive con­sulting exper­ience from demanding domestic and inter­na­tional pro­jects. Our goal is to provide our clients with effi­cient land acquis­ition pro­cesses, legit­imate con­tractual and com­pens­ation pro­cedures and seamless permit procedures.

Can we be of assistance?

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